Review: KamAlive Cashew Cream Egg

When I first transitioned to veganism, I had to remind myself that some things would be gone for good. When eliminating all aspects of a diet that bring animals harm, that’s a pretty obvious statement – but it does make it a minefield when you crave something specific, whether a flavour or a type of food. One of the best examples for me personally are the tiny seasonal staple of Easter in the UK: the creme egg.

I love creme eggs, but they do not love me. At least, in their more well-known form: I am lactose intolerant, and so that kind of indulgence used to lead me to being very sugary, bloaty and sad. So finding out that a variety of companies make vegan-friendly filled Easter eggs made me a happy bunny (pardon the pun!). The first one of these that I came across was the KamAlive Cashew Cream Egg.

Around the size of a regular chicken’s egg, this bad-boy was 40g of chocolatey goodness. Made up of 80% raw chocolate with a creamy cashew filling, it’s free from dairy, gluten, refined sugar, soy and egg. This also makes it paleo friendly, if that’s your jam. You can also eat it without concern if you are egg, wheat, gluten or dairy allergic, as KamAlive keep their kitchen free of these. I bought mine from my local co-op in my town, where it sold for £3.99, but you can also find them online. A good location to start is their section on Yumbles - where three eggs retail about the same price as this each.

So first, I’m going to touch on the Quality – as it’s fairly obvious from the get-go when you first see the egg. The box is small but well put together, and is made up of recyclable materials right down to the little plastic window. The box art on the sides is pretty, consisting of a swirly turquoise wallpaper-like print. The ingredients on the back are very clearly labelled, as is the allergy information, and the calorie information (that I gracefully skimmed and then blanked out of my memory, Men In Black style). The only thing that threw me a bit was the combination of a big red logo and a teal box, but that’s splitting hairs.

The egg itself is a neat size, about as big as the palm of my hand, and has a smooth and shiny dark chocolate shell with a geometric pattern all over. I will admit that I find its size versus the cost a little underwhelming, but I’ll get to that when talking about price. It also began melting in my hand very fast, so keep that in mind when you get your digits on one of these!

Though I was worried I wasn’t getting a good money’s worth, that changed pretty quickly as soon as I got a good Taste of the main event. This titchy chocolate egg is absolutely packed full of cashew filling, with the neat touch of having a central yellow “yolk” that’s coloured and slightly flavoured with turmeric. The dark chocolate shell is the right amount of bitter, and is deep enough to contrast the slightly sweeter nutty centre. I did find I sometimes got a weeny bit too much salt when eating into the middle of the egg, but this was also offset well by the dark chocolate coating.

£3.99 for a 40g egg is a little bit of a high Price for a treat. Compared to some other vegan Easter eggs on the market, it reaches an above average cost. But looking at how well the Cashew Cream Egg is put together, how good it tastes, and taking its rich flavour into account, you are getting what I feel is your money’s worth. Especially considering this is chocolate that can be enjoyed by people with allergies, specific diets and animal product free diets. Just because something is above average in price doesn’t mean the cheaper items will always be better! It might just make it hard to justify buying them in larger quantities.

Personally, I embrace this as a rare but welcome seasonal treat. I’d love to try this in other flavours, and seeing how well-crafted the KamAlive Cashew Cream Egg was has me wanting to try some of their other products. You can find them across most social media platforms, with my favourite being KamAlive on Instagram.

Overall, while a little pricey to fix an old fashioned craving, this little egg provides a rich, high-quality chocolate treat that you should definitely pick up if you get the chance. I know I’d be more than happy to open up one of these again on the Easter weekend!

KamAlive Cashew Cream Egg
Available online and in certain stores – check KamAlive’s social media for stockists
Good range available at

VeganSane Scores:
Price: 3/5
– Might seem a little high for more than a luxury purchase, especially when compared to the size, but the egg itself is very well made and commands its premiums.
Taste: 4/5 – Pleasantly dark chocolate shell that was crisp around the soft centre. Bitter chocolate, but well countered by the middle, especially considering it’s sweetened naturally. A little too salty for my tastes but helped by the flavours in the centre of the egg and the dark chocolate. Good texture overall. Filling was from top to bottom of the egg – no airholes!
Quality: 5/5 – Small and neatly presented cardboard box with a little plastic window. The box and cardboard are both recyclable as is detailed on the base of the box. Bright, clear indications of its general allergy and dietary information. Box art is pretty though colour choices are vibrant, and clash a little bit! Ingredient information also nice and clear on the back.
Total Score: 12/15
