About This Blog

Hello everyone! My name is Ellie and, first of all, thanks for stopping by my very tiny mole hole in the corner of the internet. This blog is intended to be a space where I can talk about snacks and food in a healthy and fun manner. I have a history with disordered eating - having recovered from anorexia in my teens - and know that I can still have a fractured relationship with food. Writing has always been an outlet for me, both on a constructive and creative level. Hopefully I can provide entertaining and in-depth review content. And, in recent months, I made a move towards a Vegan diet, having been committed to it in full since January 2018. So, I want to patch my love for food back together by utilising my desire to try new things; my journey with mental health and my... complete inability to cook... and by that I mean review snacks, meals and Vegan friendly convenience food while hopefully opening up other conversations in the process.

This blog will contain the (soy) meat of the reviews. These will consist of my honest breakdowns of what I'm eating, making or buying. I will make sure I mention if I bought the items myself or if they were sent to me - but all evaluations will be presented based on Price, Quality and Taste. Price will incorporate the cost of the item(s) in the review, as well as if it is actually worth the money. Some things are expensive for a reason! Quality will cover both the quality of the ingredients as well as the way everything is presented visually, and for elements such as if the packaging is sustainable or well-labelled. Taste, while covering the very obvious element of eating something, might also cover how things smell and look with the snacks themselves.

To tell you more about myself: I recovered from my eating disorder around 2019, having endured most of it in private and through attending GP sessions alone. I made use of online forums with other recovery patients after realising how far away my most local ED group was, and while participating in this forum I helped other people with their struggles, eventually moderating for a brief period before leaving when I set off to University. When we would address food, the main focus was on talking appropriately and healthily about meals, treats and even dining out in more public settings - and most of all, the importance of balance. I had always had an interest in going Vegan, but wanted to make sure I was comfortably at a stage where limiting certain aspects of my diet wouldn't cause me any distress or to slide back down that slope. Thankfully I am more at that point in my life now, and have been embracing the positives and the challenges of my Vegan diet with wide open arms.

The bonus side of this is trying really interesting and innovative meals and ingredients, which will mean I'll likely also cover my frequent foodie fails with the strange and unusual side of Vegan cooking! It's my hope to talk about food not just to take home but when going out as well, including restaurant options (both chain and local where viable), cafe choices and perhaps to touch on what it means to see Vegan and cruelty free options becoming more prevalent. I am fortunate to live in a very central part of the country with some vibrant businesses only short journeys away, though a lot of my reviews will centre back on snacks at home and for convenience as well as conscience.

Please consider following me on Instagram too at https://www.instagram.com/vegansane/ - this would be the best place to contact me via DM for any queries you may have, too. Thanks for taking the time to read this About section and I hope you enjoy the reviews!
